Monday, March 15, 2010

Ciao, Italia

Thus concludes Spring Break 2010. Back to the humdrum and routine, I surely will miss Italy and all its opportunities, spontaneity and luster. I would just like to be over the jet lag, however.

I am so blessed to have had this opportunity, and I certainly learned a lot about myself, life and my career. I got a lot closer with people who I have had classes with, but never really got to know too well.

My professors got to see many sides of each of us.. our happy and non-sleep deprived faces, our "it's-three-in-the-morning-and-this-computer-program-won't-work," livid faces, our giggly "it's-three-in-the-morning-and-we're-still-procrastinating" faces, and our faces when we experienced new things, including seeing opportunities and breaking out of our comfort zone.

We were let out from under our professors' wings.

We got to be reporters for a week, with no one to report to directly, no one to watch over us, no one to hover and say, "That's wrong according to AP style," or, "That shot should be on the rule of thirds."

I'm excited to see where life will lead. Who knows? I rubbed the pig's nose at the market. Maybe it'll lead me back to Italy, back to the land my ancestors came from.

Arrivederci e ti voglio bene, Italia.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Moose!

    I've loved reading your blog! I know what it's like to come back from a trip and have everyone asking you how it was, so don't worry, I won't ask for the details haha. Miss you so much, and thank you for taking me with you on your journey!

